There are so many benefits of upgrading to an electric bike or scooter for transportation and mobility. Whether you are a keen bike or scooter rider or you are just starting out and you are wondering whether an electronic model is right for you, weighing up all the pluses you can expect to see will help you on your shopping journey! Keep reading for your breakdown of all the benefits of eBikes and eScooters as well as a few expert product pointers…
Environmentally Friendly
Electronic bikes are nature-friendly – naturally! Famous for their gentle impact on the environment, eBikes and eScooters emit lower pollution per kilometre than motorcycles and cars as well as other traditional modes of transport. Using an electronic bike or scooter will help to cut down the use of petrol and diesel, keeping the air clean and fresh for future generations to enjoy.
Better Efficiency
Due to their advanced motor system and sophisticated technologically coded designs, eScooters and eBikes are significantly more efficient to navigate than alternate options on the market. Ease of use and smoother, beginner-friendly properties make these models the perfect choice for anyone, from professionals to novices and everyone in between!
Products such as the UNI4 Honbike available at NG Mobility is a minimalist urban e-bike that has been tailored to city riding. The Honbike has an excellent range (up to 100km), is very comfortable to ride and has sturdy tyres that can easily handle most terrains, meaning a perfect user experience that makes moving about your urban or rural landscape more effortless than ever.
Cost Savings
Utilising mobility-coded, advanced products that are made to cut down on effort and time will naturally result in cost savings, without compromising on the comfort or efficiency of your daily commute. Investing in smart, sophisticated products will put time and efficiency back in your day and curb unnecessary spending on additional maintenance and replacements down the track due to their high quality and care guarantee.
Time Savings
Putting performance-boosting products into practice also equals time-saving benefits! Cutting down on inconvenient rush hour commutes, sitting in traffic and time spent finding parking will immediately open up your scheduling, streamlining your commute and giving you back countless minutes each day to do whatever you please.
A perfect example of this is the Moonwalkers available at NG Mobility. Specially designed to increase walking speed by three times, these innovative walking shoes are built with motors for a quick and effortless upgrade of pace that can see you through every kind of environment including airports, shopping centres, roads, pavements and even walking trails. Cut down on time getting from A to B and use the extra time to do something you love.
Enhanced Safety
Lastly, you can expect to see a serious uptick in safety standards with a few of the fantastic products available at NG Mobility. Carefully curated to enhance movement in everyday life, select items can bolster the safety and security of and your family’s time out in the great outdoors.
The Livall C21 Smart Helmet is a tech-enabled helmet that is made with smart lighting, fall detection sensitivity and brake warning lights, giving you a simple way to elevate your movement and rides and make sure that they are as safe and secure as possible.
These are just a few of the numerous benefits that come with investing in an eBike, eScooter or micro-mobility. Explore our comprehensive range of innovative solutions to transform the way you commute.